We’re Erin Buvala and Jake Buvala, a husband-and-wife dog training team. We’re all about providing non-judgy, effective, modern training information to dog owners.
Fun fact: we met because of 3 Lost Dogs. I (Jake) had been running solo for years. Erin adopted a particularly challenging dog (seriously – ask us about the time he ate an entire couch). She emailed me to get my thoughts on the situation, and 70 emails later, we decided to get married and also work together. Totally normal, right?
We’ve spent time in the dog ownership trenches ourselves. We know what it’s like to feel fed up, exhausted, and even angry when it comes to our dogs and their “issues.” We’ve both had those moments of thinking, “maybe getting this dog was a bad idea,” and “wow I’m literally the worst dog owner on the planet. I suck at this.”
We know what it’s like, so we’re dedicated to helping other people make it out of that trench of despair, and get to the good parts of dog life.