Dog training services and support offered digitally, accessible from wherever you are in the world. With modern, effective, dog-friendly training methods, we’ll help you get your dog to trust, love, and listen to you.
Here's what we offer:
Self-study courses and group coaching
Get all our courses, bonuses, forums, and live Q&As with an All-Access Pass
Private coaching
For even more guidance and a customized training plan
Free course: Dog Speak 101
Learn how to understand what your dog is saying
What people say about 3 Lost Dogs

Looking for Puppy Survival School?

Our puppy program will teach you how to raise a happy, well-behaved puppy without losing your mind.
It comes with eight courses, each covering a different area of puppy life, plus some bonuses to help you make progress quickly.
And the whole thing is included with the All-Access Pass!

Build your bond and get your dog to WANT to listen to you
The training techniques in the Academy are dog-friendly (and human-friendly!) and teach your dog that you are amazing and fun to be around. Click here to learn more about our training methods.

Training designed for real life, filmed in real life
Our online courses are full of video demonstrations using real training footage.
You’ll get to see the “demo dogs” (mostly our own dogs whom we love very much) go from baby steps to advanced training. We’ll even point out our mistakes.
And this is no fancy studio production. The videos were recorded in our messy houses, with our noisy housemates.
You won’t have to use your imagination to figure out how these lessons fit into real life – you’ll get to watch them happen in real life.