Private Coaching 2 – Payment Plan

This is where you can register for one of our two-month-long coaching programs (the Puppy Program, the Rescue Dog Program, or Focus Fido)

This program includes:

  • A initial onboarding with Jake via Zoom, that can last up to 90 minutes.
  • Virtually unlimited 30-minute follow-up coaching sessions (up to five per week)
  • A customized, actionable training plan.
  • The ability to submit your training footage and/or footage of your dog’s behavior to get our insight and gain a clearer understanding of what’s going on.
  • The ability to text your trainers with questions in between coaching sessions.
  • BONUS: One year of full access to the 3 Lost Dogs Academy. All our courses, workshops, forums, and twice-monthly group Q&As.

Important: This is a payment plan. You’ll be charged $275 today, and $275 one month from today. If you’d prefer to pay in full today and save some money, click here.