Guardians of Adult or Adolescent Dogs: Where to Start with the Academy

So you’ve got an adult dog or a puppy over six months old, and you’re looking to train them or just improve your bond. Let’s talk about how to begin!

This page will explain:

  1. Which courses to take first
  2. How to locate a specific course or workshop you had your eye on
  3. How to get more help or personalized recommendations

1. Which courses should I take first?

Are you looking to understand your dog better, get them to listen to you, and build a strong relationship with them? 

Then these three courses will give you a solid foundation to build on:

Dog Speak 101To solve behavior problems, a solid understanding of dog body behavor and body language is critical. This course will help you decipher all the subtle ways your dog is trying to communicate with you.

Dog Training Essentials Some basic concepts and terms that will get you thinking like a dog trainer.

Engagement and Focus Foundation – A practical class that will help you build your bond with your dog and get them to want to listen to you. Engagement is a key component in getting dogs to reliably do what you say.

2. I'm here for a specific course/workshop I saw you guys promote.

Head to the My Courses section to see our full course list, or to the Content Library to find all our workshop recordings and miscellaneous content.

3. I have questions! Where should I ask them?

Want personalized suggestions for where to start? 

Post in the Introduce Yourself forum and tell us a bit about your dog and your goals, and we’ll point you toward content that will help. You’re also welcome to post/participate in discussions in the other forum categories.

We hold twice-monthly live Q&A sessions/group coaching sessions on Zoom. 

You’ll find the date for the next one on the Dashboard.  Can’t attend live, but want us to answer your question live? Post it in the Live Q&A Questions forum. We’ll answer it on the Zoom session, and then you can watch the replay later.

For technical help or customer service-related questions:

Email Jake at