How to get your puppy to stop freaking out when you leave them alone
On-demand workshop replay | Duration: 42 minutes | Available to watch now with an All-Access Pass membership
This workshop is for you if:
Your puppy screams their head off every time you leave their sight for two seconds.
They want to follow you EVERYWHERE.
When you go to the bathroom, they freak out. When you put them in their crate, they freak out. God forbid you try to leave the house. You have no idea how you’re supposed to shower, cook dinner, work, take care of your human children, or hear yourself think ever again.
You may have tried:
- Crate training them or putting them in a playpen
- Only letting them out of the crate when they stop whining, because you don't want to reward bad behavior
- Ignoring or correcting the whining
- Giving them chew toys or Kongs, exercising them more, making the crate a fun place...
Nothing helps. Some of it just makes things worse.
You wanted a dog to keep you company, but this experience has only made you feel more lonely
It may even be causing tensions to skyrocket between you and the other people in your household.
You're running yourself ragged, trying your best to do everything right
“Does this puppy have separation anxiety?” You wonder. “Am I accidentally GIVING THEM separation anxiety?? Is it going to be like this forever? I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Sound about right?
Then this is for you.
A practical approach that works in real life
We’ll teach you how to start getting your life back and raise a confident dog who’s okay with being alone.
The method we teach is for busy people with, ya know, jobs and stuff. People who can’t prioritize their puppy’s wants and whims every second of every day.
Our approach is human-friendly, puppy-friendly, force-free, and appropriate for all breeds and personality types.
You'll learn:
- A clear plan that's designed to balance your needs with your puppy’s needs, so you BOTH feel better
- How to reduce the odds of this becoming a lifelong thing for your dog
- When it’s appropriate to let them “cry it out,” and when it’s definitely not appropriate
- How to stop the shame spiral and preserve your mental health during the clingy puppy phase
- The difference between normal puppy separation distress and true separation anxiety
- About the two phases of this process, which each respond best to a different training approach (we haven’t seen anyone else talking about this)
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